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What does it take to change? Is it ever too late to change?

What does it take to change? Is it ever too late to change?


L.T. Force


Is it ever too late to change an attitude, a behavior an interpersonal interaction? No, it’s never too late. In fact, changes are a necessary part of the “developmental landscape” - they are part of the scenery. Change is a form of growth, a form of adaptability - a part of the human constitution.

In true transparency, on both a personal and professional level - I’ve been wrestling with a few interpersonal interactions. And interestingly enough, for most of us, the conflict and exchange has been found : “in the voices in my own head”. And  then it hit me this morning (in the words of my own internal voice): “What if I misread a situation?”

I must tell you even as I write this Blog Post, I am experiencing this new insight - with an overwhelming sense of peace, calmness, gratitude, and appreciation. It’s like looking through a new set of lenses. Not only am I seeing this possibility, thinking about it, but more importantly - I’m feeling it. If there was a metaphor or reference I could make - what I am feeling….it would be a reference to “Abraham Maslow’s Peak Experience”.*


  • Definition of “Peak Experience”:

A peak experience is an altered state of consciousness characterized by euphoria, often achieved by self-actualizing individuaual. The concept was originally developed by Abraham Maslow in 1964, who described peak experiences as "rare, exciting, oceanic, deeply moving, exhilarating, elevating experiences that generate an advanced form of perceiving reality, and are even mystic and magical in their effect upon the experimenter."



What was the lead-up to this change in perception and attitude? It’s a “change-experience” on a multitude of levels. How did this happen? I don’t know. As I’m thinking about it - could be a couple of things. I have had conversations, over the last couple of days, with others (family and friends) about some of these scenarios that are swirling in my head. Maybe, it was the “feel good” movie about team work, perseverance and the value of training -  I watched last night: “Boys in the Boat”: (I highly recommend!)

This new perspective, this shift in paradigm…it’s a gift that has been given to me. However,  I asked for this gift. The “negative internal dialogues” I didn't want to continue - with the accompanying feelings of: “uncomfortableness, angst, anger and bitterness”. My request has been answered:  This is what I heard….”Here’s your gift regarding your question: “Did I misread this situation”…. and here’s your answer….Yes, you did misread the situation….own it….take a look at it in a different way….and now go unpack it.”


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