Kahana, J., Goler, T. and Force, L.T., Aging into Disability: A Conceptual Challenge for Gerontology: Gerontological Society of America (GSA) Conference Phoenix, Arizona: November 2021
Force, L.T. ,et.al (2018) Gerontology: An Interactive Text, 2nd edition., NSS Press.
Force, L.T. (2016) The Detoxing of Caregivers: Key Tips for Survival, Strength and Patience. New York, NY
Force, L.T. (2015) The Theory of Dimensionality, 2nd edition (2003, 1st edition),
New York, NY
Kahana, E., Kahana, B., Goler, T., Barnes, K., Schick, S., Kahana, J. Siegel, J., Force, L. Talking About Cancer Prevention and Screening: The Back Door to Better Self-care and Medical Care, Psycho-Oncology 23 · December 2014
Kahana, E., Kahana, J., Kahana, B., Goler, T., Force, L., Siegel, J. Elderly intervention participants reflect on cancer prevention and chronic illness management Conference Paper · January 2014
Nancy Jokinen, N, Janicki, M.P., ,Keller, S.M. ,McCallion, P., Force, L.T. (2013),
Guidelines for Structuring Community Care and Supports for People With Intellectual Disabilities Affected by Dementia, Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities, Volume 10 Number 1 pp 1–24.
Jokinen, N.S., Janicki, M.P., Hogan, M., Force, L.T. (2012)
The Middle Years and Beyond: Transitions and Families of Adults with Down Syndrome, Journal on Developmental Disabilities Volume 18, Number 2, 2012, p 59- p 69.
Force L.T., Kahana , J . S . , & Capalbo V. (2010) The Role of AAAs in Promoting Health for Seniors: A preliminary Research Report. Open Longevity Science.
Force, L.T. and Capalbo, V. (2010 ). Mental Health, Mental Illness and Care found in Gerontology: An Interactive Text , NSS Press .
Force, L.T., Kahana, J.S., Capalbo, V. (2009). Aging - United Coalitions: AAA's and Colleges/Universities to the Rescue Session. The Gerontological Society of America (GSA) 61 th Annual Scientific Conference: Atlanta, GA. November 2009.
Force, L.T., Monthie, R.A., Dennis, B., and Rogers, M. (2009) The Power of Naturally Occurring Living Communities (NOLC’s ). NACDD Annual Conference, October 30, 2009, Albuquerque , New Mexico.
Force, L.T., Kahana, J.S.; Razzaia, D. &; Capallo, V. (2008) Bridging the Divide: Using Technology to Connect AAA ’s and College Students. The Gerontological Society of America (GSA) 61 th Annual Scienti fic Conference: National Harbor, MD. November 2008.
Kahana, J. S., Force, L.T., & Cohen, J. (2008). Organizational Innovation and Area Agencies on Aging. The Gerontological Society of America (GSA) 61 th Annual Scientific Conference: National Harbor, MD. November 2008.
Kahana, J.S. & Force, L.T. (2008). Toward Inclusion: Approach to Promote Civic Engagement by the Elderly. Public Policy & Aging Report. National Academy on an Society. Summer 2008 Vol. 18, (3)., Washington, DC.
Force, L.T. (2007). Decision Time: The AAA’s of the Future. The Gerontological Society of America (GSA) 60 th Annual Scientific Conference: San Francisco, CA. November 2007
Force, L.T. & Kahana, J.S.(2007 ). Consumer Driven and Provider Driven Models of Services in the Aging Network The Gerontological Society of America (GSA) 60th Annual Scientific Conference: San Francisco,CA. November 2007.
Force, L.T. (2006). Meeting the needs of Older Adults with Special Needs: Ohel, New York
Force, L.T. (2006). The Blending of Social Work Systems, Foundation for Long - Term Care: Director’s of Social Work Conference, Cooperstown, NY
McCallion, P., McCarron, M., Force, L.T. (2005). A measure of subjective burden for dementia care: The Caregiving Difficulty Scale – Intellectual Disability. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, Volume 49 Part 5, pp 365 - 371, May 2005.
Force, L.T. (2004). Grief Therapy for Cognitively Impaired Individuals found in Doka, K. (ed). Living with Grief: Alzheimer’s Disease. Hospice Foundation of America, Washington, D.C.
Force, L.T. Abbatiello, G., Doka, K., Faulkner, L. (2003). End of Life Care Train - the Trainer Program: A Trainer’ Guide for Supporting Older People with Intellectual Disabilities and their Families. NYSARC, Albany, New York.
Force, L.T. (2003). ACTION: The Voice of Early - Onset Alzheimer’s Disease, Mt. St. Mary’s College, Newburgh, N.Y.
Force, L.T. (2002). Adult Day Services: Viable Program Options for Dually Diagnosed Individuals found in Jacobson, J., Holburn, S., Mulick, J. (eds.) Contemporary Dual Diagnosis: MH/MR Service Models Volume II: Partial and Supportive Services , NADD, Kingston, N.Y.
Force, L .T., Botsford, A., Pisano, P. Holbert, A. (2001). Grandparents Raising Children With and Without a Developmental Disability, Journal of Gerontological Social Work, April 2000, v33, i4 p5.
Botsford, A. & Force, L.T. (2000). End of Life Care: A Guide for Supporting Older People with Intellectual Disabilities and their Families. Advocacy Monograph 3: NYSARC, Albany, New York.
Force, L.T. (1999). Role extension: Older Parents caring for Adult Children with an Intellectual Disabilities. Paper presentation a t the International Association for the Scientific Study of intellectual Disabilities. World Health Organization: Geneva, Switzerland.
Force L.T. and Schwartz, P. D. (1999). Symposium on Time, Stress and Death: Concerns of Middle Adulthood. Eastern Psychological Association: Providence, RI.
Botsford, A., Force, L.T., Janicki, M. (1999). Death, Dying and Bereavement: Resources and Services. Paper presentation at the YAI Conference, New York, N.Y.
Janicki, M., McCallion, P., Force, L.T., Bishop, K., LePo re, P. (1998). Area Agency on Aging Outreach and Assistance for Households with Older Carers of an Adult with a Developmental Disability. Journal of Aging and Social Policy, Vol 10 (1). 13 - 36.
Force, L.T. & O’Malley, M. (1998) Adult Day Services found in Janicki, M & Dalton, A.(ed.) Dementia and Aging Adults with Intellectual Disabilities: A Handbook , Taylor and Francis: Washington, D.C.
Force, L.T. (1997) Alzheimer’s Disease: Community Support in Practice, University of Wales, College of Medicine, Heath Park, Cardiff.
Force, L.T. (1996). Accessing Adult Day Care. 49th Annual Gerontological Society of America (GSA) Conference, Washington, D.C.
Alexander, B., Noble, J., Force, L.T., Schwartz, P. (1996). Comparison of the Attitudes and Behaviors of HIV/AIDS infected persons vs. non - infected HIV \ AIDS persons. Eastern Psychological Association, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Force, L.T. (1996) Workgroup author: Help for Caring: For Older People Caring for an Adult With a Developmental Disability. found in Janicki ed. (1996) Help for Caring. Albany: New York State Developmental Disabilities Planning Council.
Force, L.T. (1995). Workgroup author: What You Should Know: Alzheimer's Disease and Developmental Disabilities. ARC, Arlington, Texas.
Force, L.T. (1995). Workgroup author/ participant: Practice Guidelines for Alzheimer's Disease and Developmental Disabilities. NYS OMRDD, Albany, N.Y.
Force, L.T. and Bradbury, S. (1995). Lessons learned from integrating Aging/ DD systems. AAMR Conference, Sa n Francisco, California.
Force, L.T. (1995). Tri - County Aging Demonstration Project . YAI Conference, New York, N.Y.
Force, L.T. (1994). Supporting Caregivers: Demonstration of System Linkage . State Society on Aging, Albany, N.Y.
Force, L.T. (1994). The Impact of Kinship on Adult Day Care. American Sociological Association, Los Angeles, California.
Force, L.T. (1994). Developmental Disabilities and Alzheimer's Disease. International Colloquium on Alzheimer's Disease and Mental Retardation , Minneapolis, Minn.
Force, L.T. (1994). Spouses and Children accessing Adult Day Care. Qualitative Health Research Conference, Penn State, Pennsylvania
Force, L.T. (1992). The Politics of Aging . National Council on the Aging Conference, Washington, D.C. Force, L.T. (1990). Accessing the System and Support Services. Alzheimer's Association Conference, Poughkeepsie, N.Y.
Force, L.T. (1990). Elder Care: Service Providers and Corporate Responses. National Council on the Aging Conference, Washington, D.C.
Force, L.T. (1990): Funding: Linking the Systems. Sullivan Council of Developmental Service Providers Conference , Monticello, N.Y.
Force, L.T., (1987). "Adult Day Care: Resource for Elderly and Family." Presented at ADRDA Conference, Fall 1988.
Force, L.T., Greene W., & Holbrook, C. (1986). "Psychotropic’s and Sexism in in a Developmental Disabled Population. " Published and presented at the 2nd Annual Conference of New York State Professional Psychologists.