Hypocrisy: It’s Part of the Human Condition
Hypocrisy: It’s Part of the Human Condition
L.T. Force, Ph.D.
When I was working for State Government as a Psychologist - I had a supervisor named Dr. Tom Mulhern. Tom was the Chief Psychologist providing clinical leadership and oversight to a department of Psychologists who were working at the State institution; I was one of those Psychologist.
In Tom’s role, he would meet with us as a group on a monthly basis - and individually once a month. I always perceived Tom as a man of integrity and intelligence. Tom was very bright and very insightful. He would provide case studies of behavior as a training tool - vignettes that we would learn from. If you came upon Tom in his office unannounced - you would always find him reading books or researching current professional publications; he was a wealth of knowledge. I never saw Tom as excitable or agitated - he was always mild mannered, even-keeled, personable and very professional.
In our supervision meetings, Tom would ask us to share some of our cases. He was really interested in case scenarios, individuals or family systems that were perplexing us or giving us some difficulty. In one exchange, I had a colleague go to great lengths to provide an overview of a family she was working with. She did a nice job in highlighting some of the family dynamics and recommendations she had made to the family. We all agreed that her approach made “good clinical sense”; Tom agreed. But Tom also offered his insight into why one of the family members - may be acting in a particular way. Tom said: “Remember, hypocrisy is part of the human condition”. I will never forget those words he said. For me, Tom further exhibited a true understanding of human behavior. His interpretation of the stated behavior - showed an acceptance of the frailties associated with the human condition. But more than that - Tom’s interpretation of the behavior and his thoughts on what may be the underlying focus - also showed Tom’s humanness in: “accepting these frailties - as part of the human condition”. Tom didn’t run to tag the person with a psychiatric diagnosis - and label him….but rather he shared with us a window that opens to an interpretation of what lies underneath the behavior we all exhibit.
Definition of Hypocrisy:
"a person who claims or pretends to have certain beliefs about what is right but who behaves in a way that disagrees with those beliefs".
Britannica Dictionary
Tom was right: “Hypocrisy, is part of the human condition!” and like it or not - it a part of our personality….part of the behaviors we exhibit….for all of us. If you don’t agree with Tom’s perception….look around your workplace….your family system….even your own thoughts and behaviors - and you will see what Tom proclaimed. And now here comes the major part of Tom’s insightful message and lesson….”we need to accept this hypocritical behavior….in ourselves….and in others….because Yes, it is part of the human condition….and we are all part of an audience somewhere....and we all exhibit hypocrisy”.