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The Milestone of Time

The Milestone of Time


L.T. Force, Ph.D.


I try to write a Blog on a weekly basis. In the words of my friend Vance Larson it becomes a: “non-negotiable”. I love that term. In my early conversations with Vance, as we were getting to know each other, he shared that term with me. His definition of the word - placed an emphasis on: “what is it that you will do on a daily or weekly basis - that’s guaranteed you will do”. One of my “non-negotiable behaviors” became the writing of a Blog. As I tell my friends, for me it is like a pottery or art class. I find it relaxing….for me it is a productive activity. I think about a theme during the week, i.e., “what is it that I want to write about?”.  I capture those thoughts on my “Notes” application - and then, usually over the weekend, I write the Blog and place it on my website and my LinkedIn page. I am of the belief that: “Writers….Write”. And, for me, the writing of a Blog is a practice of that art form.

Over the last couple of weeks, I have had some remarkable and fruitful experiences. The most important one is that I have new grandson! What a gift being a grandfather again! For sure, it is a milestone that - gives you reason to rejoice, halt, pause and reflect. And as I write this passage - I think: “Where did the time go?” The gift of my grandson’s birth was to experience the joy and happiness with my son, daughter-in-law, granddaughter and our combined families!

Truly a gift!

This week I also attended my 50th College Reunion. Let me say that again, my 50th College Reunion! Here comes the reflection: “My God…Where did the time go?” I can’t believe it has been 50 years since I graduated college. The outcome of the reunion - was really really good. It was nice to reconnect with some of my fellow classmates. The shared stories and mutual memories - flooded us all with: “the good times of past”.

So, as I think about the last couple of weeks - I am taken with the preoccupation we, as a human species, have with the passing of time. For many there is a sense of dread and gloom that time is passing so fast. That is truly a facet of the human condition - our focus on the past, present and future - and inundating ourselves with concerns and regrets. And here I am sitting here today reflecting on the positive outcomes of milestones - in the passage of my own life - having another grandchild and a 50th anniversary of graduating college. Both of these events would not have been possible - if time hadn’t passed. And both of these milestones - gave me reason to pause, reflect and rejoice. In fact, I’m glad time continues to pass….because if it hadn’t - I would not have been sitting here writing about them.

Thanks Vance, for planting the “non-negotiable seed”.


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