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The 9th-R: “Release!”

The 9th-R: Release!


L.T. Force, Ph.D.


What a difference a day makes….24-hours….and the world looks and feels different. Miracle? No. Just life….where everything passes. Earlier this week, I published a Blog Post titled: Tips for Interpersonal Survival. The 8-R’s: Resign, Reflect, Rejuvenate, Refocus, Relaunch, Rebrand, Refresh and Repeat. In this Blog - I wrote about implementing useful strategies to guard and protect oneself from the: “toxicity found in some: ‘Interpersonal-Exchanges’ . My overarching theme was: “be aware and be vigilant if there is a need to reset new boundaries surrounding some “Interpersonal-Exchanges” . I outlined clear steps that can be implemented….as a self-protective measure. And as I said in that Blog Post:

“The resetting of: “interpersonal-exchange relationship boundaries” requires time, work, practice and effort….however, it’s worth it…. and it’s never over. I write this not only for you….I also write this for me. I feel better already….now it’s time to follow my own advice….and integrate the 8-R’s into my own life. I’m worth it….and so are you!”

Guess what? Yes, I did write that particular Blog for both others and for myself. And, guess what? I truly felt better when I finished that writing….as I was writing myself through: “some feelings of resentment, anger and hurt”. But you know what? The next day I had a different feeling about what I wrote. I also had a different feeling about the: “Interpersonal-Exchange” I was referencing in my own mind. Why? Maybe because I got some sleep. But. I also think it was more about the fact that “Empathy had arrived and I was able to see the landscape from a different perspective”. As a result, if I was to rewrite that Blog - I would now title it:

Tips for Strengthening Interpersonal Relationships. The 9-R’s: Resign, Reflect, Rejuvenate, Refocus, Relaunch, Rebrand, Refresh, Repeat and then Release! And the reason I would retitle it and add the “9th-R (Release)’….is because that it exactly what I did….release the feelings of resentment, anger and hurt….and in its place empathy, understanding, forgiveness and reasoning now exists. And you know what - this is the true gift I have given to myself….and to the other person.

As I said in the beginning: “What a difference a day makes….24-hours….and the world looks and feels different….like the sun rising over a mountaintop. A Miracle? No, just life…. where everything passes....including negative thoughts and negative feelings!


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