Repack, Reset, Repurpose, Revive, Reenter....Go!
Repack, Reset, Repurpose, Revive, Reenter....Go!
L.T. Force, Ph.D.
So, here we are - a year plus in this new universe. Just think, 13 months ago we hadn’t even heard the words: “COVID -19”. For sure, we had no idea what the term/diagnosis meant - nor did we have any idea what was in store for us.
I remember, early in the: “COVID-quarantine discussion”, hearing on the news and then reading on social media: "the government of Italy had closed the entire country down”. My first two thoughts were: “how is that possible and why would they do that?" In short-time I had the answer to both of my questions. I also remember having a discussion with a friend of mine - who recounted a conversation he had with his medical doctor. My friend asked his medical doctor what he thought about this pandemic and infection rates. The doctor shared his views - and my friend then asked: “ so you are saying this may never be over?" His doctor replied: “that’s a possibility”. It was also around that time, my life, your life, our lives, went from the rhythm of an everyday experience, i.e., engaging with others, going about our daily practice to a: "full-blown COVID-quarantine”.
Beginning in March, 2020 - our daily liberties and our daily practices altered in a very quick and a very significant manner. Our daily rituals, as citizens of the United States now included: "travel restrictions, school closings, offices emptying out - and the words:”remote Zoom", Web-ex and take-out food" became part of our daily language. However, as the days became longer and the sun and higher temperatures increased - we felt a: “little sense of freedom” as we ventured outside....and then came the Fall and the onset of Winter darkness and what was termed: “the second wave” - and once again we began our: “social-hibernation”. However, in the distant-background we began to: "hear whispers of hope....whispers of a vaccine”. (And remember, most of these discussions were overshadowed by the sounds of political debates).
So, here we are now - Spring and Summer are heading towards us....the days are getting longer and once again the sun is getting warmer. However, there is one major difference during this cycle - "we are all now taking our place in line to receive a vaccine"....the world is becoming brighter - as we look ahead. But, let’s never forget, as we look behind.... the devastation that has occurred....the personal loss and tragedy of many....the “economic tsunami” that will be felt by families for generations to come and the common feel of despair, distraught, anxiety and social isolation that was been experienced inter-generationally by most. And now they tell us that there is an open-door ahead. The question is: "what will you pack to take on this new journey?"
According to many: scientists, politicians, policymakers and "well-ground individuals of common sense" - we are on a path to a new where we can gather again, engage in community activities (with common sense) and begin to reconstruct activities that are familiar to us - the main question is what will you.... and how will you: "Repack, Reset, Repurpose, Revive and Reenter?"
As you know, during this time of “COVID-quarantine” - we have had time to rethink our relationship with: our selves, our families our friends, our co-workers and our possessions. Now it’s time to move through this period of our lives. What lessons will we take with us? Because, we know for’s never going to look the same. It’s now time to: "Repack, Reset, Repurpose, Revive, Reenter....Go!"
Godspeed, to all of us....