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“The Evolution of Time…. The Evolution of Me!”

“The Evolution of Time….The Evolution of Me!”


L.T. Force, Ph.D.


I just finished reading (actually listening to the audio format) of Stephen Covey’s “7-Habits of Highly Effective People”. This wasn’t the first time I had interacted with his book. Years ago, I did read the book - but I must say…by listening to the audio version, narrated by Stephen Covey, I left with more insight. The reason? It may be tied into the old phrase: “When the Student is ready….the Teacher arrives”. In fact, I am now listening to one of his other books: “The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness”. In this work, ( Covey builds upon the foundation of the “7-Habits” with now a focus on execution and application.

Covey is a genius! I really like the work of Stephen Covey.

As I was working my way through the books - I began to think how I could further integrate his paradigm(s) into my own life. For over 35 years, I have used the: “Franklin Planning Method”. Years ago, it was only available in paper / binder format - and the recommendation is that you would carry it with you - wherever you go. However, as I was listening to his audios - I realized I have been doing the planning process all wrong - in fact, I have been doing it “upside down” - by creating the Daily Task list (A,B,C) - without connecting those meetings / events to: ”my own Personal Mission Statement and Principles”. Instead, I should have been operating on a weekly planning process - (with daily activities) and one that reflects and is connected to my: “Mission Statement and Life Principles”.

“I get it now!” And as such, I have been able to embed not only his paradigms, but his “Quadrant Time Management Matrix”: (“Quadrant I: Urgent and Important”; “Quadrant II: Not-Urgent and Important”; “Quadrant III: Urgent and Not Important” and “Quadrant IV: “Not Urgent and Not Important”. Once I understood the mechanics and process of “Covey’s Time Management Quadrant Matrix”. I have changed….I have evolved! (I have a friend states often: ”The Franklin-Covey Planning Method is like holding: “The Book of No!”….if an activity or request is presented to you….and it doesn’t reflect a connection to your Mission Statement (Vision and Personal Goals) - then the answer (with a smile on your face) is”NO!”

What a sense of freedom! What a great opportunity for self-management! As I always tell my students in my: “Theories of Social Casework” Class....when working with clients: “You can’t help manage someone else …. unless you can manage yourself!” Stephen Covey shows us the way!


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